Purpose of Collection and data to be collected:
The Sweetforest Educational Resources and Consulting (HK) Ltd. (“Sweetforest”) will collect your personal data (including the names of your kid and you, the relationship, contact number, the gender and the birth year and month of the kid) to provide you / the applicant the related products, activities, programmes or services relevant to your needs, including but not limited to find suitable products, monitoring, review and development of activities, programmes or services. Please ensure that the information you provide to Sweetforest are accurate, otherwise you will not be able to obtain all the benefits enjoyed by members.
Transfer Data:
The personal data you provide will be made available to persons working in the Sweetforest or persons designated on a need-to-know basis. Apart from this, the data may only be disclosed to the relevant parties in the circumstances listed below:
a) Co-operative activity, programme or service providers.
b) Other parties commissioned by the Sweetforest for the purposes of processing insurance claims, evaluation and review of services and other issues related to the Sweetforest.
c) Where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
Direct Marketing
Sweetforest may use your name, contact number, child’s gender and age, birthday month to promote suitable children’s toys and products, birthday or membership offers or on sales children’s toys and products, and information regarding the date and venue of our exhibitions and sales activities in Hong Kong. Sweetforest will not use your information for direct marketing without your agreement.
If you wish us to exclude your personal data for direct marketing purposes, which means you would like to quit the membership status, please send us and email, along with your name and phone number to our business executive at cs@sfedu.com.hk or call us on 93481601.
Storage, access and correction to Personal Data:
Except where there is an exemption provided under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have a right of access to and correction of personal data or obtaining a copy of the data you provided. However, under normal circumstances, data will be erased after fulfilling the purposes of collection. If you would like to access or correct your personal data, please contact the business executive of Sweetforest in writing.
Contact: Sweetforest Educational Resources and Consulting (HK) Ltd.
Person in charge: business executive
Postal Address: Flat 1330, 13/F, Wan Fai Industrial Building, 29 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Phone: (852) 93481601
Email: cs@sfedu.com.hk
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